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How to Register a Business in Germany for Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators

Starting a business in Germany requires understanding the registration process to ensure compliance. Whether you're planning to set up a sole proprietorship (Einzelunternehmen) or a limited liability company (GmbH), this guide will walk you through how to register a business in Germany for coaches, consultants, and course creators.

How to Register a Sole Proprietorship in Germany for Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators

Registering as a sole proprietorship (Einzelunternehmen) is straightforward and ideal for smaller, service-based businesses.

Step 1: Register with the Local Trade Office (Gewerbeamt)

Head to the local trade office (Gewerbeamt) in the city where your business will operate.

Complete the Gewerbeanmeldung form, which requires:

  • Personal identification (passport or ID).

  • Business name and address.

  • A brief description of your business activities.

💡 Pro Tip: Some cities allow online registration for convenience. Check your local trade office's website for details.

Step 2: Determine if You Qualify as a Kleingewerbe (Small Business)

If your expected revenue is:

  • Less than €22,000 in the first year, and

  • Less than €50,000 in the second year,

You may qualify as a Kleingewerbe (Small Business).

💡 Benefits of Kleingewerbe:

  • No requirement to register with the Handelsregister (Commercial Register).

  • Simplified tax obligations.

However, you must still register your business with the Gewerbeamt (Trade Office).

How to Register a GmbH in Germany for Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators

A GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) is ideal for businesses requiring limited liability protection or planning to scale. Here’s how to register a business in Germany for coaches, consultants, and course creators under this structure:

Step 1: Determine Shareholders and Share Capital

A GmbH requires at least one shareholder (person or entity). Establish the share capital, which must be at least €25,000.

Step 2: Draft and Notarize the Articles of Association (Gesellschaftsvertrag)

Prepare the Articles of Association, which outline your company’s:

  • Purpose.

  • Management structure.

  • Share distribution.

These documents must be notarized by a German notary.

Step 3: Open a Company Bank Account

Set up a business bank account in the company’s name and deposit the minimum share capital (€25,000). Keep the deposit receipt, as it will be required for registration.

Step 4: Notarize Shareholder Signatures

All shareholders must sign the notarized Articles of Association, either in person at the notary’s office or through a power of attorney.

Step 5: Register with the Commercial Register (Handelsregister)

Submit the following to the local Handelsregister (Commercial Register) at the district court:

  • Notarized Articles of Association.

  • Shareholder signatures.

  • Bank confirmation of share capital deposit.

  • List of managing directors.

💡 Pro Tip: Some registrations may require additional documentation depending on your industry. Always verify requirements with your local Handelsregister.


Step 1: Start with the Free Business Checklist

Get your step-by-step guide to building a strong foundation for your coaching or consulting business.

Free business checklist to help coaches, consultants, and course creators build a strong foundation for their business

Step 2: Watch the Free Training

Learn the key legal steps every coach, consultant, and course creator must know to confidently grow a thriving business.

Free training on the key legal steps for coaches, consultants, and course creators to grow a thriving business

About the Author

Hi! I’m Vena Verga-Danemar, an Onlinepreneur Legal Strategist. As both a lawyer and an online business owner, I’ve helped dozens of coaches, consultants, and course creators legally start and grow their businesses using strategies that don’t require working 24/7.

Follow me in Instagram and Linkedin for tips and strategies on running a sustainable business that attracts leads and clients without the legal drama.


Legal Templates for Online Coaches
An image of Vena Verga Daneman in an office with a cup on a table and a mocrophone

Hi there Preppies,

It’s Vena Verga-Danemar

I am the co-CEO of the Danemar household, a seasoned business lawyer, and like you, an Online Business Owner.  While running a business involves hard work, there is a shorter and simpler path to success. You shouldn't have to give up too much time and suffer unnecessary stress that exceeds that of a full-time job.  Let's agree on that, shall we? Stick around, and I will show you tips, strategies, and insider knowledge to help you establish a business that grants you freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment.

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Legally She Can GmbH is not a law firm.  Vena Verga-Danemar is a licensed lawyer.  However, when you interact with her through Legally She Can or any of our social media sites, she is NOT acting as YOUR lawyer, nor is she going to establish a lawyer-client relationship with you.  The information you will obtain from Legally She Can or from Vena Verga-Danemar is NOT legal advice.  We provide educational and informational resources that are intended to help users succeed in their online business.  This is not intended to be attorney advertising.  

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